Subsequently, Francis Hutcheson ( 1694 1746 ) developed a version of moral sense theory.
For the sentimentalist this capacity was most important in morality ( moral sense theory ).
Arguing that ethical judgment is an act of discrimination, he endeavours to invalidate moral sense theory.
Sufficiently broadly defined, ethical intuitionism can be taken to encompass cognitivist forms of moral sense theory.
Popular historical advocates of some version of the moral sense theory or sentimentalism include the non-cognitivist form of sentimentalism.
Arguably the most prominent defender of moral sense theory in the history of philosophy is David Hume ( 1711 1776 ).
Adam Smith also advanced a form of moral sense theory in his " The Theory of Moral Sentiments " ( 1759 ).
Kant thus stands in stark contrast to the moral sense theories and teleological moral theories that dominated moral philosophy at the time he was writing.
Thomas Reid ( 1710 1796 ) defends moral sense theory in his " Essays on the Active Powers of the Human Mind ".
In the west, the first prominent moral sense theory is found in Anthony Ashley-Cooper, 3rd Earl of Shaftesbury ( 1671 1713 ).